Episode 26: Creating Cleaning Routines That Work For You With Kelly Briggs

Today we are interviewing Kelly Briggs, a homeschooling mom of four who runs The Simple Home Mom blog, creating home management resources for overwhelmed stay at home moms. We’ll discuss our cleaning routines and take a quiz about our housekeeping habits.

Highs and Lows:

Kelly: High - went swimming at the beach and had it all to themselves; Low - one of her sons hit his front teeth, and they were too sore to eat dinner.

Emily:  Low - decorating mishap of setting the hydrangeas on fire while cleaning; High - rented a jackhammer!

Bre: High - Attending Becky’s birth!

Kimmy: High - Work Bonus (Dining Chairs); Low - House is always a mess!

Creating a Cleaning Routine That Works for You

Kelly Briggs is a homeschooling mom of four, who lives in Canada and runs The Simple Home Mom website and social media, in addition to a business of social media management on the side.

What we currently do for cleaning, and our pain points:

Kimmy: try to do laundry every weekday and try to do dishes every day. Tidy everyday before bed. 

Dust, vacuum and mop only when I have big parties. 🤣Clean toilets once a week or more when company comes over. 

Pain points: pregnancy, working my part time job while watching toddler makes everything more difficult! I need a schedule and better system desperately, rarely fold and put away laundry, need to not be all or nothing. Reminding myself feather dusting is okay!!!

Bre: I don’t have one! I did try having a lost to check off, but I got discouraged with not checking them off. 

Emily: rotating list of tasks during the week in my planner, catching up on weekends: (bathrooms, vacuum, bathrooms, vacuum, mop, carpet cleaning, dusting, windows as time allows)

Interview with Kelly:

  1. With four kids, homeschooling, and running a side hustle and small business, how do you make time for it all?

  2. Are you a natural planner, or do you prefer to be more spontaneous?

  3. What is “loop planning” and how does it work?

  4. How should we go about creating a routine?

  5. What’s a routine you’ve tried in the past that hasn’t worked for you? How did you make adjustments to fix it?

  6. What advice would you give to another mom who feels overwhelmed?

Let’s Get Quizzical

Good Housekeeping Cleaning Quiz

https://www.target.com/p/toy-cottage-dollhouse-hearth-38-hand-8482-with-magnolia/-/A-82274906#lnk=sametab Talk

Kelly: Asana Project Management Tool


Episode 27: How to Make Your Overnight Guests Feel Welcome


Episode 25: Nursery and Kids Room Design